Dancer | Choreographer
Events - past & upcoming
Events - past & upcoming
Formats for working | Pliable form
On Modules, Scoring the unanticipated, Pliable form,
Formats for working | Pliable form
On Modules, Scoring the unanticipated, Pliable form,
Formats for working | Pliable form
On Modules, Scoring the unanticipated, Pliable form,
Formats for working | Pliable form
On Modules, Scoring the unanticipated, Pliable form,
Formats for working | Pliable form
On Modules, Scoring the unanticipated, Pliable form,
Extremely honoured and grateful to receive Norske Dansekunstnere´s scholarship in the category of choreography.. It´s an amazing recognition of my artistic work and will support me in the contuniation of my choreographic practice!
Designs by Yuchen Duaen
Summer 2020 when I was selected to be a part of The Norwegian National Ballet´s initiativ "Kvinnelig Koreografisk Satsning". Greatful to be of ten selected female choreographers. The initiativ is ongoing and funded by Talent Norge & The Norwegian Lottery.
2022 Norske Dansekunstnere Profesjonsstipend Koreograf
2021 Bergen City Council Culture Grant
2021 Scholarship for newly graduated artist, Norwegian Arts Council
2016 Bergen City Councils grant for newly established artists 2016
2016 Hordaland County Municipality travel grant